The falling or the movement


Everything is changing
even the stories
you’ve been forced to repeat

your eyes look at the sky differently
with every drop of time
splashing at the stones
of Heraclitus’ river
and even the tempestuous love
can´t help but fade into gentle mist
in that tiny distance
where nothing survives
the flow,
or the movement.

El Matallana



Ni siquiera se llama Juana
Huele a agua de fresas
y le gusta el Metal

El sol envidia su energía
Y el tiempo quisiera detenerse
para protegerla

En ella la alegría y la tristeza,
la profundidad pura de los pozos
que brindan agua fresca…

Entre dos ríos nunca secos
brotan los caudales de su vida,
ligera y loca como los pájaros,
furiosa y tierna como la tierra


El Matallana

Present is lightning

April 3/2006


The lasso vibrates

as it unites

heaven with earth


and this sound

of the light

it is only an echo,

agonizing vestige

of the angel

already fallen



the obscure cloud spills

and another comes



the river flow increases

so that it is never the same…


Present is lightning

past is thunder

life is this rain

that eventually ceases.


El Matallana